Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Prasad Kaipa and Navi Radjou, authors of leadership advice book “From Smart to Wise: Acting and Leading with Wisdom,” recently participated in an At Google talk, which Google has now made available for viewing.

To give you an idea of what your’e in for, it’s described as follows:

Leaders tend to obstinately stick to the leadership style that brought them most success in the past, usually one of two extreme styles: functional leadership that focuses on operational excellence or smart leadership that focuses on growth. When a leader’s focus is too functional, the organization becomes introverted and can focus too much on bottom-line profitability while missing out on top-line growth opportunities. But when leaders focus too much on smart leadership, the organization may experience quick growth but lose its effectiveness quickly.

From Smart to Wise offers a new approach that balances the two styles to achieve a form of wise leadership that is both functional and smart. Drawing on inspiring real-life stories of historical and contemporary wise leaders such as Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, and even Mahatma Gandhi, the authors identify six characteristics of wise leaders and offer a practical framework to help readers develop their own style of wise leadership.

Kaipa and Radjou have conduct numerous keynote speeches and workshops each year.

More recent At Google talks here.


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