Wednesday, 5 June 2013

A woman who lied about finding a finger in her bowl of Wendy’s chili is going back to prison after telling another big fat lie.

Anna Ayala apparently didn’t learn her lesson the first time she lied, even though it got her four years behind bars. This time around, she’s pleading no contest to felony charges stemming from an incident involving her son. She told authorities he was shot in the ankle by two men, but it turns out he accidentally shot himself and had Mom cover for him to avoid being busted for possession of a firearm while on parole. Ayala will receive a two-year prison term in September rather than the four years she might have gotten had she not fessed up early, saving San Jose a lot of money on a trial.

“I understand where the judge is coming from, but I respectfully disagree,” prosecutor Bret Wasley said. “Four years would have been reasonable since she has a history of manipulating the system.”

Ayala is serving time for now with her son, Guadalupe “Junior” Reyes, who was busted anyway for being untruthful about what really happened during the shooting. According to authorities, he blamed two men he had beef with.


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