Friday, 31 May 2013

Author John Pollack recently gave an “At Google” talk, which Google has now made available for all to enjoy.

“Some people may dismiss puns as the lowest form of humor. But this attitude is a relatively recent development in the sweep of history,” Google says in the YouTube description. “In The Pun Also Rises, John Pollack – a former Presidential Speechwriter for Bill Clinton, and winner of the world pun championship – explains how punning revolutionized language and made possible the rise of modern civilization. Integrating evidence from history, pop culture, literature, comedy, science, business and everyday life, this book will make readers reconsider everything they think they know about puns.”

Pollack won the 1995 O. Henry Pun-Off World Championships, was a Presidential Speechwriter for Bill Clinton.

More At Google talks here.


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