Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Subscription-based streaming is on the rise, Netflix still leads the pack – but it’s lost just a bit of its stranglehold.

That’s the word from NPD, who just published their VideoWatch VOD report for Q1 2013.

According to NPD, the number of viewers using subscription services to stream television shows (think Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime Instant Video) rose dramatically – 34% as compared to the figures from the same period in 2012.

Netflix still dominates the market with an 89% market share – but that’s actually down 4% from last year. That means that Hulu and Amazon Prime Instant Video are both gaining ground.

“There’s no doubt that Netflix is driving the growth in SVOD, particularly with increased attention to television programming,” said Russ Crupnick, senior vice president of industry analysis at NPD. “We are also seeing good gains in the streaming numbers from Hulu Plus and Amazon Prime, and while neither pose an immediate threat to Netflix it is interesting to see which services later adopters will try.”

The biggest gains go to Hulu, which grabbed 3% of Netflix’s streaming TV share (up to 10% from 7%). Amazon Prime Instant Video gained 1% (up to 2% from just 1%).

And it looks like people are choosing to subscribe to multiple services. A year ago 76% of viewers just used Netflix – nothing else. Now, that number has fallen to 67%. 10% said they stream using both Netflix and Amazon, while 8% said they stream using both Netflix and Hulu.


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